Oct 5, 2012

Outdoor learning: the natural world yields results

We must try to live without causing unnecessary harm, not just to fellow humans but to all beings. We must try not to be stingy, or to exploit others. There will be enough pain in the world as it is.”

— Gary Snyder, Poe

This article is about outdoor education, the outdoor education are a type of outdoor education in which children visit forests  learning personal, social and technical skills and they interact with nature, reflect and learn from it. Is an education outside the classroom, more natural, more real.
The teacher talks about the experiences and stories of outdoor education of what happens to the children and adults when teaching  and learning outside.

By examples; "There results were remarkarble. Not that the previous sessions were bad, but this time I finally felt that the young people and adult helpers were on the same side, the increased freedom relaxed everybody and the young people did actually unselfconsciously play.”

The teacher says learning in this environment gives students an appreciation and love of the natural world. If delivered professionally and sympathetically, outdoor lessons enable children to make connections to and within the environment. 

It is a type of education free. He says. “I think we should make it a priority that they understand green issues not just intellectually but also at this deeper, intuitive level.”

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting, also is a topic that personally I like about education because I think that the children learning much better in contact with the nature.
    See you!!
