Oct 21, 2012


Hi all. TI will write about a very important issue: The environment and how to care of it.

People can learn about friendly practices, for example, looking at variouswebsites or reading specialized magazines.

I think that is possible to incorporate recycling into my habits, for example, recycling bottles, bags, tetra pack, or separating the trash between organic waste and inorganic waste, and separating plastics, papers, tetra packs and tin.

I like to walk, but I don´t use a bike for transportation because I`m very coward, and I feel lots of nerves when I use a bike in the street with cars together, but I try to walk or use public transport.

I don’t have joined or supported any eco-organizations. I just know Greenpeace. When I was a teenager, I wanted to join to Greenpeace, but I didn’t know how to do it. Later, I forgot this issue, but I always try to take care about the environment and to care the animals.

I think that is very important to care about the environment and teaching to the new generation how to take care of the planet Earth. I reduce whenever I can, for example, discarding he remains of the fruits in trees roots and using natural light whenever possible. I reuse the bottles or the yogurtcontainers and old papers for making toys to my cats and I recycle whenever I can.

Almost dailyI see people throwing tras on the street. I think that is very important to improve education in issues about the environment ad its cares. Teaching in the schools and making advertising campaigns.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, You are very green... is important take care our planet. Above all for the future generations.
    See you!
